
Why Phintraco Technology

Phintraco Technology was established in 2008 as a member of the Phintraco Group. We are an Indonesian ICT solutions and services company specializing in building, implementing, and integrating customized enterprise ICT solutions for companies. As a partner of various world-class IT companies, Phintraco Technology excels in providing reliable information and communication technology services such as IT Infrastructure, IP telephony, contact center solutions, smart card technology, etc.

Phintraco Technology employs more than 200 professionals to serve our ever-growing customer base in and outside Indonesia. With over 15 years of experience in industries, we offer a complete range of innovative and customizable integrated technology solutions.

Phintraco Technology is recognized as a certified partner of global information and communication technology leaders such as Dell Technologies, Vmware, Avaya, Verint, Gemalto, OneSpan, and many more. These partnerships give us access to best-in-class solutions combined with our own in-depth industry experience to offer our clients a complete suite of ICT solutions and services.

Phintraco Group at a Glance

Established in 1991, from being an authorized dealer of Panasonic Telecommunication products such as Key Telephone Systems, PABX and Fax, Phintraco Group now has become a world-class solutions provider. Phintraco Group specializes in Modern IT Infrastructure, Network and IT Security, Electronic Transaction Services, Application Development, IT Consulting Services, Business Process Outsourcing and Managed Services. 

With over 900 professionals in the field, Phintraco Group provides a one-stop ICT solution to accelerate your business growth. Besides ICT solutions companies, Phintraco Group also has a securities company named Phintraco Sekuritas, a property development company called Shanata Pratama, and serviced offices named Effist Suite Office.

Phintraco Subsidiaries

Here's What Our Customer Say

Sonny Wohon

Division IT Manager - PT Transocean Indonesia

Support dari PT Phintraco Technology member of Phintraco Group sangat luar biasa termasuk support routine maintenance Avaya PBX di PT transcocean Jakarta Office yang telah berlangsung lebih dari 7 th. Setiap request kami selalu ditanggapi dengan sesponsive dan dapat diselesaikan dengan timely manner. Phintraco memiliki sikap customer oriented salah satu contohnya ketika kita mengalami hardware failure unit segera direplacement dan dikirim dari jakarta dan downtime bisa diminimalkan.

Nina Novita

Head of Call Center

“Great team from Phintraco Technology, member of Phintraco Group, for the excellent project accomplishment to install and upgrade system for our contact center system. This project has been implemented in 4 different site (Head Office Senayan, Puri Imperium, Menteng Prada and System at Ferman Center Serpong). Now all the systems are running as expected and making our customer satisfied.”