
Workforce Management: Rahasia Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Tim Anda
12 Jul 2023 Phintraco

Workforce Management: Rahasia Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Tim Anda

Mengoptimalkan kinerja tim merupakan hal penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan dan keunggulan kompetitif dalam bisnis. Salah satu solusi yang bisa menunjang kinerja tim adalah workforce management. Penerapan workforce management yang efektif dapat membantu mengoptimalkan kinerja tim, meningkatkan produktivitas, mengurangi biaya, dan mencapai tujuan bisnis dengan lebih baik. Seiring dengan penerapan WFM, penting untuk memberdayakan karyawan dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan inovasi.Simak artikel di bawah ini untuk mengetahui pengertian workforce management dan beberapa informasi terkait!

Apa yang Dimaksud Dengan Workforce Management (WFM)?

Workforce management adalah serangkaian proses terintegrasi yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan produktivitas karyawan. WFM adalah proses yang melibatkan perkiraan kebutuhan tenaga kerja secara efektif, serta membuat dan mengelola jadwal karyawan untuk menyelesaikan tugas tertentu setiap hari dan setiap jam. WFM melibatkan berbagai kegiatan yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengelola karyawan dengan efisien, termasuk perencanaan, penjadwalan, pengelolaan absensi, pemantauan kinerja, penggajian, dan analisis data.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Workforce Management?

Solusi workforce management menggunakan data historis dan machine learning untuk memprediksi kebutuhan karyawan di masa yang mendatang, kemudian membuat jadwal yang paling sesuai dengan model yang diperkirakan serta secara otomatis melacak waktu dan kehadiran karyawan. Serangkaian proses WFM melibatkan semua aktivitas yang bertujuan untuk membangun dan memelihara karyawan yang produktif, dan meningkatkan efektifitas serta produktifitas mereka. Beberapa aspek dari workforce management meliputi: pengumpulan data real-time, manajemen layanan lapangan (FSM), manajemen SDM (HRM).

Manfaat Penerapan WFM Dalam Perusahaan

Workforce management system memberikan berbagai manfaat bagi perusahaan dan karena hal ini, perusahaan di beberapa sektor yang melibatkan tugas-tugas yang sangat sensitif terhadap waktu serta harus membayar karyawan setiap jam semakin banyak menggunakan software workforce management untuk meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis mereka secara keseluruhan. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat penerapan WFM dalam perusahaan, diantaranya adalah:

Meningkatkan Keuntungan dan Produktivitas

Dengan workforce management software, perusahaan akan diberikan wawasan yang lebih baik terkait keterlibatan, kehadiran, serta produktivitas karyawan. Sehingga memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menyesuaikan pelatihan, pembinaan, dan proses untuk kinerja yang maksimum. Selain itu, Anda harus memastikan bahwa orang yang sesuai diberi tugas yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat serta di tempat yang benar. Hal ini mengakibatkan profitabilitas dan produktivitas perusahaan akan meningkat.

Mengurangi Biaya

Tugas workforce management adalah menganalisis situasi saat ini dalam perusahaan. Hasilnya, Anda akan dapat memaksimalkan sumber daya, serta mengoptimalisasi biaya tenaga kerja, dan semuanya dilakukan tanpa menurunkan kualitas pekerjaan.

Menjaga Bisnis Beroperasi Penuh dan Legal.

WFM membantu perusahaan beroperasi penuh dan legal dengan tetap memahami undang-undang nasional, lokal, dan serikat pekerja yang berlaku di suatu negara. Selain itu, WFM meminimalisir risiko ketidakpatuhan yang lebih rendah di bawah undang-undang ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku dalam suatu negara.

Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan

Mengimplementasikan WFM dalam perusahaan membantu karyawan memberikan layanan dengan pengetahuan yang membantu mereka untuk melakukan pekerjaan lebih cepat. Hal ini memiliki pengaruh besar dalam meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Pelanggan cenderung lebih puas dengan layanan yang berkualitas dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka, sehingga dapat memperkuat loyalitas pelanggan serta membantu bisnis mencapai kesuksesan di masa depan.

Apa Saja Hal yang Harus Diperhatikan Dalam Solusi WFM?

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam memilih solusi work force management yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan bisa membantu meningkatkan efisiensi manajemen tenaga kerja serta keseluruhan kinerja bisnis. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya adalah:

Kegunaan Sederhana

Hal pertama yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam sistem workforce management adalah kegunaan, karena software digital yang terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan harapan konsumen. Sistem WFM harus sederhana dan menyenangkan untuk digunakan, karena akan dipakai oleh ratusan karyawan. Beberapa fitur dasar seperti notifikasi otomatis, alur kerja terintegrasi, serta pengelolaan tugas dari desktop hingga seluler harus mudah digunakan. Beberapa alat tambahan termasuk shift yang disimpan, drag-and-drop serta template yang disalin juga meningkatkan kegunaan, dan memberikan pengalaman yang mulus untuk semua karyawan.


Mempercayai sistem baru dengan data karyawan merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan bagi berbagai perusahaan, terlebih lagi jika berisi informasi rahasia atau keuangan. Oleh karena itu, sistem manajemen workforce management harus memiliki keamanan yang ketat. Carilah software yang memperhatikan keamanan dengan serius untuk melindungi berbagai informasi perusahaan, seperti autentikasi standar yang menyediakan sistem sign in tunggal memberikan keamanan yang ditingkatkan dan mengurangi pencurian kata sandi.

Manajemen Absensi

Penjadwalan pada workforce online dapat membuat tugas administratif manajemen absensi menjadi digital. Dibandingkan dengan formulir kertas dan proses manual yang memakan waktu, Anda bisa memanfaatkan alur kerja sederhana yang dapat diakses oleh semua anggota tim. Software WFM memungkinkan pengguna untuk melacak segala sesuatu mulai dari cuti sakit hingga cuti melahirkan. Manajer dapat menghapus proses duplikat, melihat dengan mudah, menyetujui, atau menolak request di berbagai lokasi karena data disimpan di satu tempat. Tim HR dapat menetapkan aturan maksimum dan batasan cuti untuk mencegah terlalu banyaknya karyawan yang cuti secara bersamaan.

Sistem yang Terintegrasi

Solusi workforce management yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem lain yang ada di perusahaan, seperti sistem manajemen SDM, platform komunikasi internal, atau sistem manajemen kehadiran, sehingga nantinya akan membutuhkan lebih sedikit waktu dan uang untuk diimplementasikan.  

Apa Software Workforce Management Terbaik untuk Contact Center?

Workforce management dibutuhkan oleh contact center  karena memberikan berbagai manfaat termasuk meningkatkan efisiensi, produktivitas, maupun layanan. Untuk itu, contact center memerlukan software WFM terbaik. Salah satu anak perusahaan Phintraco Group, Phintraco Technology hadir menyediakan solusi WFM contact center dari Verint untuk perusahaan Anda dengan memberikan berbagai manfaat yang akan menunjang kesuksesan perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.

Memastikan Jadwal yang Tepat

Workforce Management Verint menyediakan alat yang Anda butuhkan agar organisasi Anda dapat mempertahankan fokusnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, serta dirancang untuk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan yang selalu berubah dalam lingkungan yang semakin kompleks.

Meningkatkan Pengalaman Pelanggan dan Karyawan

Verint Workforce Management membantu perusahaan Anda mencapai tujuannya, memberi alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk menyediakan agent dengan jadwal yang fleksibel dan pekerjaan yang berarti untuk meningkatkan retensi karyawan.

Memberikan Agent Fleksibilitas dan Keseimbangan

Baik di kantor atau dalam perjalanan, aplikasi seluler Verint Workforce Management memungkinkan agent dengan cepat membuat, dan mendapatkan persetujuan, perubahan jadwal, pertukaran shift, waktu istirahat, serta pengalihan tugas dan saluran.

Memanfaatkan Keunggulan Cloud

Hadirkan keuntungan penerapan cloud ke manajemen tenaga kerja Anda. Nikmati manfaat peningkatan tanpa rasa khawatir dan yakinlah bahwa Anda selalu menikmati pembaruan dan penyempurnaan terbaru.

Dapatkan Solusi WFM Terbaik di Phintraco Technology!

Maksimalkan penerapan solusi WFM dengan Phintraco Technology untuk mempermudah bisnis mengelola operasional karyawan setiap hari. Anak perusahaan Phintraco Group yang bergerak di bidang infrastruktur IT, Phintraco Technology, dapat memfasilitasi integrasi dan penyederhanaan proses operasional perusahaan Anda. Selain itu, solusi workforce management optimization Phintraco Technology menawarkan alat atau software berbasis kinerja untuk membantu pengelolaan berbagai divisi perusahaan.Hubungi untuk informasi lebih lanjut terkait solusi workforce management.

Hybrid Storage: The Right Solution to Face The Next Normal
02 Aug 2022 Phintraco

Hybrid Storage: The Right Solution to Face The Next Normal

The existence of Covid-19 has transformed business practices into the next normal. The implementation of an offline-and-online-capable work system is enhanced. This is implemented to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus by allowing employees to work from home or the office. Companies also implement many business systems to adapt to this circumstance, as businesses must continue to operate to survive.The covid-19 pandemic is not yet over, but signs are emerging that the situation can be managed. This forces businesses to continue adapting to the upcoming next normal. Companies should be using hybrid storage for their data storage needs. What exactly is hybrid storage? Let's examine this in detail.

What is Hybrid storage?

A hybrid storage system combines on-premises and cloud data storage. These two storage methods will enhance the scalability and adaptability of cloud-based public storage while enhancing the security, customization, and management of on-premises storage. In addition, the solution offers significant advantages due to its ability to increase or decrease the availability of strong and reliable network connections between private and public clouds and the alignment of data access between on-premises and public cloud environments.

Hybrid Storage Use Cases

Hybrid storage can be implemented for a variety of business purposes. The following are the most prevalent usage cases:
  1. Sharing application data
In today's digital world, various applications have become commonplace. On-premises and cloud-based application data are accessed separately. Hybrid storage allows you to access data regardless of where your application is hosted. Your company can use the solution to facilitate seamless data sharing.
  1. Cloud backup and archive
Cloud backup and archiving typically require a different solution. Using this solution, backups and archives can be optimized across multiple sites.
  1. Multi-site data
In addition to optimizing backups and archiving across multiple sites, the solution allows you to share power between sites. Furthermore, you can synchronize data using a hybrid storage solution, ensuring that all storage resources contain reliable copies.
  1. Extending on-premise data to the cloud
The hybrid storage system equips on-premises data storage with cloud storage resources. The system uses policy engines to maintain operational data on-site and move infrequently accessed data to cloud storage.
  1. Big data applications
Hybrid storage can improve the processing and analysis of large data sets. The solution can facilitate the transfer of data sets from the cloud to on-premises computing and vice versa. You can also isolate sensitive or regulated data more efficiently.That is the explanation for hybrid storage. Technology development is accelerating, resulting in an abundance of data generated by the widespread application of technology. Implement this solution for your company so that data can produce more comprehensive and beneficial results. Implement hybrid storage with Phintraco Technology, a subsidiary of Phintraco Group specializing in IT infrastructure. Phintraco Technology has a team of specialists with over 13 years of experience assisting businesses in various industries. Contact us at for additional details about hybrid storage. Reference: Related Article:Traditional Data Center vs Modern Data Center: What Is the Difference? Baca Juga:Mengatasi Tantangan Pertumbuhan Data dalam Lembaga Keuangan

Phintraco Technology Wins “Growth Partner of the Year” Award at Avaya Partner Summit 2020
19 Nov 2020 Phintraco

Phintraco Technology Wins “Growth Partner of the Year” Award at Avaya Partner Summit 2020

Phintraco Technology successfully named as the recipient of an award from Avaya. The award was presented at Avaya Partner Summit 2020, Avaya’s annual partner event. This year, Phintraco Technology received an award for the category “Growth Partner of the Year” on Thursday, 19 November 2020. Previously, Phintraco Technology also received an award for the same category at Avaya Partner Summit 2019 in Atlantis Hotel, Dubai. For your information, Phintraco Technology is the only Avaya’s partner in Indonesia that received an award in this international event for the 2nd consecutive time.

Phintraco Technology, which has been an Avaya’s partner since 2000, was honored among a global field of top Avaya partners for demonstrating excellence in performance improvement over the past few years as an Avaya’s business partner. This award is certainly a testament of Phintraco Technology’s consistency and expertise in providing innovative approaches for customers based on Avaya’s technology.  

In this year’s Avaya Partner Summit, in addition to bringing award-winning Avaya Edge partner program to global partner community, Avaya also invited all its business partners virtually to discuss the future customer experience center and digital workplace. Avaya presented its updated multi-cloud application ecosystem that enables organizations to choose the cloud technologies that deliver the business results they want at the speed they want. These technologies are presented in line with today's business needs, which still require effective performance for battling the pandemic.

This award will inspire us to always consistently provide the best solutions and services to our customers and partners. Phintraco Technology is very proud to be named for the 2nd consecutive time of Avaya’s Growth Partner of the Year, we are committed to always provide innovations with quality and grow together with Avaya to build mutually beneficial business partnerships for both now and in the future.


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Phintraco Technology Wins “New Partner Award” at Amplify 2020 – Dynatrace Partner Program
13 Nov 2020 Phintraco

Phintraco Technology Wins “New Partner Award” at Amplify 2020 – Dynatrace Partner Program

Phintraco Technology was recognized as the winner of Dynatrace’s “New Partner Award”. The award was presented at “Amplify 2020 – Dynatrace Partner Program” held by Dynatrace virtually on Thursday, 12 November 2020.

In this Dynatrace Partner Program, awards were classified in five categories, with honorees chosen from selected partners in Asia Pacific. Those five categories were New Partner Award, Cloud Innovation Award, Training and Certification Award, Special Recognition Award for Excellence, and Partner of the Year.

 “The New Partner Award is presented to new selected partners that have successfully achieved positive performance in providing innovative solutions and services to customers through Dynatrace’s products.” Said Alex Lim, as a Senior Director Partner and Alliances, APAC, Dynatrace.

For Phintraco Technology, it is an honor to be recognized as the winner of this award. This recognition is also certainly a testament of our reliability in providing the best solutions and services possible to customers.

Dynatrace is one of Phintraco Technology’s partners in providing Application Performance Monitoring solution. Application Performance Monitoring is a solution for ensuring an expected level of service, as measured by performance metrics and user experience monitoring. Application Performance Monitoring solutions help IT teams to detect and pinpoint application performance issues before real users are impacted.

For your information, Dynatrace is recognized as the leader in Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solutions. Dynatrace has been named a leader for the 10th consecutive time. [1]

Phintraco Technology would like to thank Dynatrace for the support and appreciation on our positive performance. During these difficult times of the pandemic, Phintraco Technology remains active and ready to help all customers from various industries by providing a variety of high-quality and innovative solutions and services. We hope that in the future, our best efforts and performance can also help government to tackle the Covid-19 crisis and rebuild the Indonesian economy simultaneously.

Further information:


Phintraco Technology Successfully Wins International Award at Avaya Engage 2019
16 Nov 2019 Phintraco

Phintraco Technology Successfully Wins International Award at Avaya Engage 2019

Phintraco Technology shows another great achievements. Phintraco Technology successfully won an international award as "Enterprise Growth Partner of the Year 2019" at Avaya Engage 2019 in Atlantis Hotel, Dubai. Avaya Engage 2019 was a three-days event, 12 to 14 November 2019. In this event, Avaya invited all its business partners in APAC to discuss the latest technology strategies and innovations from Avaya and also their impact on digital transformation.

In addition, in Avaya Engage 2019, Avaya’s business partners and customers who has made great accomplishments were given awards as an appreciation for successfully maximizing Customer Experience by implementing the latest technology from Avaya.

Phintraco Technology, which has become Avaya’s partner since 2000, ranks highest as Avaya's business partner that has grown to the most developed partner in Asia Pacific region. For this outstanding accomplishments, Phintraco Technology is entitled to get an award as the “Enterprise Growth Partner of the Year 2019”. Phintraco Technology is the one and only company from Indonesia that received an award at this international event.

The award was given directly by Fadi Moubarak as Vice President – Channels, Avaya International to Hendrik Kusuma as Senior Product Manager of Phintraco Technology.

Furthermore, one of Phintraco Technology's customers, PT Bank Central Asia (BCA), also won an award for "Master of the Art of Customer Experience" category. This award was given to one of Phintraco Technology's customers because BCA has successfully cooperated with Phintraco Technology and Avaya in maximizing Customer Experience. The collaboration has successfully proven the best quality customer experience services for Asia Pacific region.

This award will certainly create a spirit of Phintraco Technology team to continue improving innovation and services quality for both partners and customers, especially in providing the best customer experience solutions that are closely related to a successful business.

Further Information:
